This is the Correct Way to Warm Up a Car

This is the Correct Way to Warm Up a Car

This is the Correct Way to Warm Up a Car – Not everyone knows how to properly warm up a car. Instead of warming up the car so that the car engine is always healthy, mistakes in heating the car can cause the car to break down quickly. Properly warming up a car is an important factor in maintaining and maintaining a car engine.

Although it is rarely used, the car needs to be warmed up regularly to keep the engine running. The goal is to prevent the battery from losing current, which can cause engine damage. So make sure you know how to properly warm up your car to keep the engine performance at its best.

So how to properly warm up an automatic, manual and injection car? Are there any special steps you should take to avoid damaging the car’s engine? And how long does it take to warm up the car to charge the battery? Come on, check out the following Qoala review!

The right way to warm up a car

The car needs to be warmed up regularly so that the best car battery doesn’t die and the car performs well. If it is not warm enough, the oil and fuel in the car can freeze, which will cause the engine to jam. Not only should it be warmed up regularly, but the way to warm up the car should be done correctly so that the engine is stable. Here’s how.

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1. How to warm up an automatic car

Nowadays, cars with automatic transmissions are preferred because of their simple operation. You don’t need to worry about the clutch, step on the gas and play the brake, the car can be started. This is because automatic cars do not have a clutch controller like manual cars.

So how do you properly warm up an automatic car? You should pay attention to the following things:

When you want to start the engine, the lever must be in P or parking position. As you know, there are several transmission levers on automatic cars, N, D and P, each of which has a different function.
When warming up an automatic car, the transmission control should be in the P position. The goal is to keep the car from moving and always in park. When warming up the car, it is best not to put the transmission in N or neutral because the car may move when the handbrake is not pulled. Moreover, if you step on the gas, the car can run and it will be really dangerous. So make sure you always warm up the car in P position.
The correct way to warm up an automatic car is to do it well at idle, no need to play with gas. The goal is not to waste fuel. You should know that playing with the gas pedal while warming up the car can lead to wasted fuel.

2. How to warm up a car manually

After you know how to warm up an automatic car, you need to know how to properly warm up a manual car. Here are some things you should pay attention to when warming up a manual car.

When warming up the car, make sure the transmission is in N or neutral. The goal is to prevent the car from moving when the engine starts and the car warms up.
Avoid playing with the gas pedal when warming up a manual car. Especially in cars that do not use a carburetor, the correct way to warm up the car is not to play with the gas pedal. This is because pressing the gas pedal on a car using the carburetor is to prevent the car engine from stalling. Well, in today’s cars that use an injection system, this only increases exhaust gas and wasted fuel.

Reasons why heating your car is important

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It’s important to know how to warm up your car in the morning to keep the engine performing well. However, you should pay attention to the right way to warm up your car. The reason is that mistakes when warming up the car can cause the engine to damage quickly and the fuel to run out quickly. So the next question is what are the reasons why the car wants to warm up?

As mentioned earlier, warming up the car is one of the most important things to do as part of vehicle maintenance. The goal is to keep the engine running smoothly. If the car is rarely used or never warmed up, there can be many dangers.

One of the dangers that come when the car is not warm enough is a weak / dead battery. Every day, the car battery’s capacity decreases, so it must be constantly recharged. The way to do this is to warm up the car regularly. Otherwise, the car will be difficult to start because it will not warm up.

Contaminated oil and fuel can cause problems for the car. Other car components, such as the brakes, can cause problems if they are rarely used, especially if they are never warmed up. This is because the dust on the car becomes suspicious and causes the braking system to jam.

Warming up the car prevents rust on engine parts and tire wear. That is why the car should be heated regularly. You only need to take a short time to warm up the car every day, or at least once every two days.

Tips for warming up a car

Next, you should know the tips for warming up cars, both regularly used and less used cars. Here are the recommendations.

1. Pay attention to the duration

When warming up your car, you need to pay attention to the correct time or duration. This duration depends on the type of car and the engine technology used in the car. For example, in cars that use injection technology, the time to warm up the car should not be too long. Warming up the car for a long time can waste fuel, so 5 minutes is enough.

On the other hand, for non-injected cars, the ideal time to warm up the car is around 5 to 10 minutes. So for used cars, it is good to warm it up for 5 to 10 minutes first.

2. Do not press the gas pedal

The next tip for warming up your car is not to press or play on the gas pedal. In order for the lubrication process of the engine compartment to be carried out correctly, the car must be kept in idle mode.

3. Warm up the car in an open place

When you warm up the car, you should choose an open space. Avoid heating the car in a garage or other enclosed space to avoid exhaust fumes. The reason is that exhaust gases from car engines can affect breathing if inhaled.

4. Pay attention to the transmission area

The next tip is to pay attention to the placement of the distribution. Always make sure the transmission is in neutral to prevent potentially dangerous vehicle movement. Also, make sure the handbrake is always on. When the car is on rough terrain, if the handbrake is not applied, the car may skid, jump or fall.

5. Turn off the AC

It is not recommended to turn on the air conditioner while heating the car. It is good to turn off the AC when the car engine is hot. The goal is to reduce the engine load. When the car is stopped, when the AC is turned on, the engine starts.

So, now you know the right way to warm up a car, right? The information above will help you take care of your favorite vehicle so that it lasts and lasts for a long time. Remember, car maintenance is not cheap. So make sure you take care of and take care of your car as much as possible, okay? Come on, visit the Qoala blog for more interesting information!

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