How to Adjust Car Rear View Mirrors for Safe Driving

How to Adjust Car Rear View Mirrors for Safe Driving

How to Adjust Car Rear View Mirrors for Safe Driving – As we all know, a car is a vehicle that can perform its functions properly thanks to the support of various components. The engine is not only the main drive, but the additional parts attached to the car body also have less important functions. One of them is the car rearview mirror.

Although it is small compared to other major parts, the rear view mirror of the car is a tool that cannot be ignored because its function is very important. Therefore, in this article, Qoala will explain this element from its function, type, how to organize it and even its price.

This information will be useful because it will make you better able to use or maintain the rearview mirror attached to your favorite vehicle. Come, look!

Car rear view mirror function

Although they are small, car rearview mirrors, both center and side mirrors, are useful tools for car drivers. Here are some functions of car rearview mirrors that you should know.

1. Reduce blind spots

There are many places that escape the driver’s view while driving. These places are called blind spots. For this reason, car designers use car rearview mirrors to reduce blind spots while driving.

For example, in the back of a car, without a mirror, the driver has to look back when reversing the car to see the rear. The rear view mirror of the car helps in this, which can cover the rear blind spot with the rear mirror. As a result, it is easier for drivers to control the situation behind the wheel.

2. Avoid collisions when changing lanes

When changing lanes, drivers generally need a rearview mirror to see if other vehicles are likely to collide, reducing the risk of a collision.

3. It helps maneuver during parking

As explained in the first point, mirrors help to reduce blind spots. Parking really needs the function of the car’s rearview mirror, the driver can see the areas to the side and behind, which makes it easier for the driver to maneuver during parking.

4. Look at the traffic situation behind you

Sometimes, it is also important to look behind you to see the traffic situation behind the car while driving. This allows you to determine if the car’s position is blocking other vehicles, track the movement of other vehicles behind, and so on.

5. It helps to reverse the vehicle

Reversing a vehicle without the help of a rearview mirror is difficult, especially if you’re doing it in a tight or busy area. Reversing manuals becomes safer when you can look behind you using the car’s rearview mirror.

6. Vehicle positioning instructions

When driving, we need to know if the car is too close or blocking other vehicles, because if not, they will disturb other people and even cause an accident. Car rearview mirrors help drivers to detect the presence of cars, as drivers can easily see other vehicles and determine whether the car’s position is disturbing other drivers.

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Types of car rear view mirrors

To perform different functions, automotive rear view mirrors are made in different types which are rear view mirrors, aka inside car rear view mirrors, side view mirrors, aka car rear view mirror and additional car rear view mirrors. The following is an explanation of each type of rearview mirror.

1. Car interior rearview mirror (rearview mirror)

A car rear view mirror or car rear view mirror is a type of car rear view mirror which is usually located on the top of the car window or some people attach it to the roof. Its main function is to help the driver see the situation behind the wheel.

The use of the car’s interior rearview mirror is very important in many situations, including when parking. Drivers who park their vehicles sometimes have to reverse and look in the rearview mirror to avoid damage to the car.

However, in recent cars, the role of the interior mirror in the parking lot has been replaced by a sophisticated camera feature, which is specifically designed by manufacturers to see the situation behind the vehicle.

Another function of the interior mirror is to use it when the car is turning. In addition to looking outside, the driver can look at the interior rearview mirror to determine the position of the car. Drivers can keep their distance from other cars to avoid collisions. In addition, drivers must look behind them when driving on the highway. As before, this is done to reduce the occurrence of conflicts.

Therefore, the interior rearview mirror is usually coated with anti-reflective properties so that the driver is not disturbed by sunlight or light reflection when looking at the rearview mirror. Some models can even reduce the light rays coming from behind.

2. Exterior car rear view mirror (door mirror or side view mirror

As the name suggests, this type of car rearview mirror is attached to the outside of the car, typically on the door or A-pillar, and is mounted on the right and left sides of your car. This type of task is to see the back and side of the car which is the blind spot.

Drivers should look to the rear right or left of the vehicle to avoid accidents when the car is turning. To accomplish this task, the exterior rearview mirror must be able to reflect a quarter of the car’s body. Therefore, rearview mirrors are made of convex mirrors, because the area they reflect is wide.

Now, for the exterior rearview mirror, the angle can be adjusted manually or electrically depending on the type of car. The angle of the window film should be adjusted so that the function can be achieved according to the position of the driver.

If you adjust it manually, the driver needs to use his hands to directly change the angle of the mirror. Meanwhile, if you use the electric system, the driver only needs to adjust it using the buttons and the rearview mirror is moved by an electric motor so that the angle of the mirror corresponds to the driver’s position.

3. Additional car rearview mirror

In addition to the above two types of car rearview mirrors, which are standard types that are always found in all cars, many manufacturers equip their products with additional rearview mirrors. This additional rearview mirror usually has a small convex shape and is needed in cars with large bodies, it is placed on the front bumper. Because of its location, this type of glass is also commonly called fence glass.

The function of these additional mirrors, i.e. fender mirrors, is to help the driver clearly see the surroundings of the car when entering narrow roads, thus avoiding scratches. Through the fender mirror, the driver can see the distance between the front wheel on the passenger side and the side of the road or the pedestrian. As a result, the driver can reduce the risk of the vehicle grazing on the sidewalk or other undesirable conditions, such as entering the sewer pipe.

Tips on how to adjust car rear view mirrors

Although it is always a part of every car, there are still many car drivers who do not understand how to adjust their mirrors correctly and safely. Considering the important function of the rearview mirrors, you should understand how to properly adjust the device, which provides maximum visibility. Here are some tips to prepare it

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1. Adjust the left and right mirrors

If you want to adjust the angle of the right side mirror, you can do it from the driver’s seat. The way to do this is to look at the reflection of the image in the rearview mirror when you bring your head to the right mirror. Then adjust the position so that you can see a little of the area on the right side of the vehicle. Once you have completed the right rear view mirror, you can do the same method for the left rear view mirror.

2. Adjust the middle mirror

In contrast to the reflected image on the right and left mirrors of the rear view of the car, the central rear view mirror must see the situation behind the car. If you see the same reflection between the central mirror and the side mirror, then you should adjust the angle of the central mirror.

3. Make sure you can get the visibility of the next line

Drivers need visibility of the next lane when driving their vehicles on the road, especially when they want to overtake, turn or change. So, make sure your side mirrors can provide visibility around the next lane. If you can’t see the next lane’s reflection in your rearview mirror, you need to adjust.

4. Make sure the blind area is well covered

You should make sure that the position of the mirror can cover the blind spot well. Blind spots should be reduced as much as possible because this is very important when driving in a crowded area.

5. Try having someone else walk in the car

Finally, you can test whether the mirror position is optimal to cover the blind spot area by asking another person to walk around the car. Make sure that when the person is driving around, you can see him in all three rearview mirrors. If you find a point where you don’t see the reflection, then readjust the position of the mirror.

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