16 Car Toolkit Contents That Should Be Available, What Are They?

16 Car Toolkit Contents That Should Be Available, What Are They?

16 Car Toolkit Contents That Should Be Available, What Are They?

ebanmella – It cannot be denied that cars sometimes face unexpected problems while driving on the road. Usually, the car owner takes it to the repair shop with the help of a tow truck for repair. However, for general damage that can still be treated, car owners can carry out repairs themselves without waiting for help. Therefore, in order to carry out independent

maintenance, for example, when a tire is punctured and needs to be replaced, you really need tools. Therefore, you should have a car kit ready to deal with any emergency situations that may occur.

So this time ebanmella explains about car tool kit, it starts with a brief explanation of what is a car tool kit, its place in the car, what tools are needed in a car tool kit and also how much it costs in the market. Come, look!

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What is a car kit?

In general, a tool kit is a collection of tools in a box. The contents of a tool kit may include a variety of tools, such as pliers, screwdrivers, hammers, and more. A tool kit is often required to carry out various inspections and repairs.

Meanwhile, a car tool is a set of tools related to car maintenance. A tool kit is one of the various tools that should be present in a car. Having a car tool kit comes in handy when you have an emergency, such as an engine breakdown or a flat tire.

At least you should be prepared with tools such as a car jack and keys. Being prepared in the form of a tool kit allows you to make repairs without waiting for help to arrive. Of course, as a car owner, you need to at least learn how to use these tools, especially their application in the most basic emergency situations, such as changing car tires.

In addition to tools, you need to put jumper cables in the tool kit of the car. If one day you have problems with the battery, this cable will be very important. You can also provide a safety triangle in your vehicle. So when your car breaks down, you can install it in front or behind the car to warn other car owners that your vehicle is parked in front.

No less important, you should also include a first aid kit in your tool kit. Its function is as a preventive measure to provide first aid if something unexpected happens while driving. You should also check the contents of the first aid kit, make sure there are bandages, plasters, wound medicine, anti-dizzy medicine as well as aromatherapy and other first aid medicines.

Finally, a necessary addition to the car tool kit is a lighting device such as a flashlight or something else. You need a light to help your vision when you have problems at night or in other low light conditions.

Essential car tool kit contents

There are at least 5 tools that every car should have: a screwdriver, clamp pliers, an L wrench, a car jack, and a cross bar wrench. In addition to these five tools, there are many other tools that are mandatory in every car and repair shop, especially in car repair shops. So what tools?

1. Rotary screwdriver

As you know, the function of a screwdriver is very useful to open different parts of the car, so that you can do more repairs on these parts. So you should add a screwdriver to your car tool kit.

Provide a reversible screwdriver, one side with a plus blade and the other side with a minus blade. By holding a back and forth screwdriver, it allows you to open more parts of the car, starting from the dashboard panel, air filter and more.

2. Wrench, winch and other bolt opening tools

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Keys are a standard car tool kit and of course you should carry them in your vehicle. Its function is very important, namely to open the shutters on the vehicle. In general, the bolts that are often used in car parts are 8, 10, 12 and 14 size bolts. Therefore, keys of the same size should always be in the device.

You can include pliers and a small wrench with a maximum opening of 20 inches to increase flexibility when connecting to different car bolts. Also, a plus and minus screwdriver or a reverse screwdriver (plus or minus) to open the small screws that are distributed on all parts of the car.

3. Jack

If you are still unfamiliar with tools in the automotive world, you may not be familiar with this tool. However, for those who are used to rolling on four wheels, the jack is a very useful tool. The task is to lift the car so that you can change the tires or repair the bottom of the car.

A jack is also a standard tool that should be in a car’s tool kit. Although it’s a little big and takes up a lot of space, you shouldn’t leave this device behind when you’re driving for short distances, let alone long distances.

4. Pull the hook

When it breaks down, sometimes the car needs to be towed to the nearest online auto repair shop. For towing purposes, you need a device called a tow hook. The hook is shaped like a large fishing hook used as a hook for towing a car. Maybe on some cars the tow hook is already installed DefaultBut many of them are different, so they should be taken in the tool.

5. Spare wheel

You probably already know that every car should have at least one spare tire ready. If your car’s main tire is damaged, you will need a replacement tire, such as a puncture or a flat tire. Therefore, the spare wheel should not be forgotten.

6. Wheel lock

To change a tire you definitely need a key to open the boot. Therefore, a wheel wrench is one of the tools that should be in the toolkit. There are many types of this device on the market, from cross wheel locks, L wheel locks and also crank wheel locks. Of course, there are now types of wheel locks that are powered by electricity, aka electric wheel locks, which make your job a lot easier. Just choose the type that suits your convenience.

7. Tire pressure gauge

This tool is often forgotten and not found in the car tool kit. Tire pressure gauge It is a device used to measure tire pressure. A tire pressure gauge is needed to have a reference and avoid the risk of flat tires. In addition, you can make sure that there is a large enough pressure difference between the car’s tires to reduce brake damage.

8. Jumper cables

Jumper cables are useful when the car suddenly breaks down due to an electrical problem or when the battery runs out of electricity. If there are jumper cables, you don’t need to worry about opening the battery.

You just need to connect the jumper cable from your car battery to another car battery. This way, your car’s engine will drive the alternator to recharge the energy in the battery.

9. Combination plus

The use of combination plus may be very rare except in emergency situations. However, this tool for twisting and cutting cables is still very necessary if there are problems with the vehicle’s electrical components.

10. Safety triangle

A safety triangle is a sign with a red triangle, which is used to inform other drivers that a car has stopped in front of them. You can place this sign so that the vehicles behind you are more careful when the car breaks down. Dealers often provide free safety triangles as part of the car’s equipment, which must be worn while driving.

11. Lighting device or flashlight

It is not uncommon for car trouble to occur at night or in poorly lit areas. Of course, you need lighting equipment to help you with visibility to check or find the equipment you need. Therefore, you need to bring an extra flashlight for your car tool kit.

12. Backup car lights

You should also include car lights or bulbs as an extra car tool kit in case the vehicle’s lights break and go out anytime. If you have brought a light bulb, this problem can be solved by replacing it immediately and continuing your journey.

13. Fire extinguisher

Disaster is unpredictable, especially fire. An electrical short circuit or engine overheating is more likely to cause the car to catch fire, so you need to carry a fire extinguisher in your car trunk. You need an APAR in the event of a small fire to extinguish the fire immediately before it grows and causes a more deadly fire.

14. Masking tape

Masking tape isn’t a standard car tool, but it doesn’t hurt to have it around just in case. This tape is multi-purpose and very useful in case of emergency. For example, it is used to patch leaky radiator hoses or to isolate cable connections after electrical repairs.

15. Radiator water

Overheating can occur when the radiator runs dry, therefore there’s no harm in bringing water to prepare. Apart from that, if you have water available, it will be easier for you to refill the water for the wipers.

16. Manuals

A part of the car toolkit that is probably often forgotten is the manual, even though this book is quite important. The manual can show you where the fuse or bolts are, apart from that there are also instructions on how to open the battery and other similar information.

Location of Car Toolkit

You need to know where the car toolkit is located so that it doesn’t make it difficult for you when you want to use it. As explained earlier, the tools in the new toolkit will be searched for in emergency situations, such as when the car has engine problems, a tire bursts or the lights go out while driving.

Because it is only used in emergency situations, car owners often forget where the car toolkit is. It’s not uncommon for you to have trouble finding where the tools are when an emergency occurs.

The position of the car toolkit itself can vary depending on the brand and type. Usually, the location of the toolkit is written in the manual. There are at least 4 positions that are often applied by manufacturers for storing toolkits, namely:

1. Front Passenger Seat

In some Japanese cars, the car toolkit is positioned under the front passenger seat. Usually, the toolkit is placed together with a jack which is clamped using some kind of iron plate to prevent it from easily moving when the vehicle is moving.

2. Spare Tire

It is not uncommon for manufacturers to place car toolkits under the rear trunk cover, precisely above the spare tire. If the toolkit is positioned above the spare tire like this, usually the jack will be inserted on the side of the spare tire. However, there are also manufacturers who separate the position of the toolkit and the jack.

3. Trunk Side

Furthermore, some manufacturers also position car toolkits on the side of the rear trunk, either on the left or right of the rear trunk wall. Usually tools for emergency situations are stored in a special small compartment which is closed with a cover that uses a hook to lock it so it doesn’t come off easily.

4. Trunk Hood

The toolkit can also be placed behind the rear trunk hood. This innovation is usually implemented by European car manufacturers with sedan models. So that it doesn’t get messy, the compartment has a hook.

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